Manage your prices on Cdiscount the smart way

Update all your Cdiscount prices fast with bulk uploads and business pricing rules.

Price management on cdiscount

  • Set unique pricing strategies for Cdiscount
  • Update your Cdiscount prices with bulk uploads or fast manual edits
  • Easily differentiate your pricing from the other marketplaces you sell on
  • Build in overhead and shipping costs for maximum control and profit

We offer retailers like you a range of ways to reprice on Cdiscount.

Upload your pricing in simple to create CSV files and see your new pricing reflected across the Cdiscount marketplace.

Change your pricing rules and see the prices update with no effort on your part.

And if required you can supply Seller Dynamics with data feeds through our API to completely automate your entire process.

As you would expect we have made manual edits and adjustments to prices as simple and as fast as possible.

So when you need to make those quick fix corrections you can do so with ease.

To talk more about Cdiscount, and how to get started, call us on 01786 430076.