If you are disappointed with your Amazon sales then the chances are that it’s because your product listings are simply not cutting it.
Each Amazon product listing consists of a number of elements, and each is important to help you maximise your sales. If you don’t give your listings the attention they need then you will always struggle with sales.
The elements that make up an Amazon Listing are:
- Title
- Description
- Bullet Points
- Keywords
- Images
- Category
- Technical Specifics
Get these right and your listings will get found easier on Amazon and you’ll also have better conversion rates.
If you can’t afford the time to do this yourself then why not look for an Amazon listing expert – we do this for a number of clients (large and small).
Amazon title
The commonest mistake we see is a title that does not adequately describe the product. Often its because the product title has been taken from the source website where the product is already surrounded by other specific information about what the product is, so take a step back and look at your Amazon title. Does it really describe the product when dropped into the huge world of Amazon?
You’ll need to create a “keyword” rich title, typically featuring: Brand Name, Product Title, Main feature, & Main Item Specifics such as size and colour.
By including your main keywords (see later), you increase the chances of the Amazon search algorithm finding it when a potential customer is searching. Over 50% of product searches start on Amazon so getting the product title wrong can be very damaging.
You should look at competitive products already on Amazon. See what they do well and badly and use them as a yardstick. You’ll want to be associated with similar products in order that the customer can decide between you and them
Amazon description
The Description needs some serious work, and it can be exhausting when you are creating the 100th description for your range of products on offer, but this where you can really shine. You must explain the benefits of the product in such a way as to quickly and effectively engage.
One trick is to think about who is buying. What’s their age, sex and so on. That will help you consider what they want it for and how they are going to use it.
Perhaps it’s a product normally associated with being a gift. If that is the case then encourage them to see that this is the perfect present and one that will be gladly received.
Above everything else you need to address in your own mind who will use it, why and what benefit accrues from its use. You’ll also need to explain what it is made from and why is it better than other similar items they may be thinking about. Consider each area and promote positive reasons to engage the customer. And if it has any green credentials don’t forget to emphasise them, we are all much more sensitive to the impact we are having on the planet.
Use your keywords in the copy, that will again help Amazon understand what your product is all about.
Bullet points
The Bullet Point area is critical when it comes to optimising your Amazon listings for sales conversions.
Each Amazon shopper quickly scans to the bullets quickly and it is there that you can push the benefits and features. You have lots of scope to write good clear copy around the bullet points. Don’t be lazy.
If you have taken a structured approach and generated a list of features and benefits when you were creating the description then you can reuse that and build fantastic bullet points.
The keywords help influence Amazon's search, but they are also an important way for you to decide what is important about your product. By spending time creating a useful list of keywords for each product it will allow you to create great descriptions and sales converting bullet points.
If you are selling a sponge on Amazon then the keywords might be: sponge, big, yellow, car, kitchen, window, bath. Amazon will use its processing power to realise you are selling a big yellow sponge that is useful for a variety of jobs.
Amazon's auto search completion can be used to help you see what the more popular search phrases are likely to be, so use that and keep notes of what customers are likely to be looking for. You can also use Google search to see what the popular search terms are around your product. And you can look at the keyword report if you use Amazon Sponsored Listings, again that will help you understand more about search term popularity.
Amazon insist that your main image is on a white background and of good quality. Go for 1000px to ensure that customers can zoom in easily.
Avoid overlays and logos, those will be rejected. You should show the whole item from different angles and provide additional close up shots of specific details.
If you don’t have good quality images then your Amazon sales will suffer. You must show the product clearly. In short invest in good product photography.
It’s always best to see what category your competitors products are listed in. If they are not in the same category as you then you'll need to find out why. Perhaps you have listed in an incorrect category, if you have then that will damage your search results.
By choosing the correct category you will also be able to provide relevant Technical Details.
Don't try to game the system by attempting to list a gated item in a non gated category. Amazon will spot this and may well penalise you.
Technical specifics
Don’t avoid filling in the Technical Information area as it provides essential information to the customer and allows them to be confident that they have found the item they have been looking for.
The Technical area allows the customer to compare products in the comparison grid at the bottom of the Amazon product screen. If you miss out any information then the customer will not be able to compare your product against others. And in those cases they’ll not be able to make a buying decision in your favour.
AO 31/10/21